Spire.Doc for Java 是一款专业的 Java Word 组件,开发人员使用它可以轻松地将 Word 文档创建、读取、编辑、转换和打印等功能集成到自己的 Java 应用程序中。作为一款完全独立的组件,Spire.Doc for Java 的运行环境无需安装 Microsoft Office。同时兼容大部分国产操作系统,能够在中标麒麟和中科方德等国产操作系统中正常运行。Spire.Doc for Java 支持 WPS 生成的 Word 格式文档(.wps, .wpt)。Spire.Doc for Java 能执行多种 Word 文档处理任务,包括生成、读取、转换和打印 Word 文档,插入图片,添加页眉和页脚,创建表格,添加表单域和邮件合并域,添加书签,添加文本和图片水印,设置背景颜色和背景图片,添加脚注和尾注,添加超链接、数字签名,加密和解密 Word 文档,添加批注,添加形状等。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
The following are the steps to create a simple Word document containing several paragraphs by using Spire.Doc for Java.
Create a Document object.
Add a section using Document.addSection() method.
Set the page margins using Section.getPageSetup().setMargins() method.
Add several paragraphs to the section using Section.addParagraph() method.
Add text to the paragraphs using Paragraph.appendText() method.
Create ParagraphStyle objects, and apply them to separate paragraphs using Paragraph.applyStyle() method.
Save the document to a Word file using Document.saveToFile() method.
package com.et.spire.doc;
import com.spire.doc.Document;
import com.spire.doc.FileFormat;
import com.spire.doc.Section;
import com.spire.doc.documents.HorizontalAlignment;
import com.spire.doc.documents.Paragraph;
import com.spire.doc.documents.ParagraphStyle;
import java.awt.*;
public class CreateWordDocument {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create a Document object
Document doc = new Document();
//Add a section
Section section = doc.addSection();
//Set the page margins
//Add a paragraph as title
Paragraph titleParagraph = section.addParagraph();
titleParagraph.appendText("Introduction of Spire.Doc for Java");
//Add two paragraphs as body
Paragraph bodyParagraph_1 = section.addParagraph();
bodyParagraph_1.appendText("Spire.Doc for Java is a professional Word API that empowers Java applications to " +
"create, convert, manipulate and print Word documents without dependency on Microsoft Word.");
Paragraph bodyParagraph_2 = section.addParagraph();
bodyParagraph_2.appendText("By using this multifunctional library, developers are able to process copious tasks " +
"effortlessly, such as inserting image, hyperlink, digital signature, bookmark and watermark, setting " +
"header and footer, creating table, setting background image, and adding footnote and endnote.");
//Create and apply a style for title paragraph
ParagraphStyle style1 = new ParagraphStyle(doc);
style1.getCharacterFormat().setFontName("Times New Roman");
//Create and apply a style for body paragraphs
ParagraphStyle style2 = new ParagraphStyle(doc);
style2.getCharacterFormat().setFontName("Times New Roman");
//Set the horizontal alignment of paragraphs
//Set the first line indent
bodyParagraph_1.getFormat().setFirstLineIndent(30) ;
//Set the after spacing
//Save to file
doc.saveToFile("/Users/liuhaihua/tmp/WordDocument.docx", FileFormat.Docx_2013);
The steps to add a new page at the end of a Word document include locating the last section, and then inserting a page break at the end of that section's last paragraph. This way ensures that any content added subsequently will start displaying on a new page, maintaining the clarity and coherence of the document structure. The detailed steps are as follows:
Create a Document object.
Load a Word document using the Document.loadFromFile() method.
Get the body of the last section of the document using Document.getLastSection().getBody().
Add a page break by calling Paragraph.appendBreak(BreakType.Page_Break) method.
Create a new paragraph style ParagraphStyle object.
Add the new paragraph style to the document's style collection using Document.getStyles().add(paragraphStyle) method.
Create a new paragraph Paragraph object and set the text content.
Apply the previously created paragraph style to the new paragraph using Paragraph.applyStyle(paragraphStyle.getName()) method.
Add the new paragraph to the document using Body.getChildObjects().add(paragraph) method.
Save the resulting document using the Document.saveToFile() method.
package com.et.spire.doc;
import com.spire.doc.*;
import com.spire.doc.documents.*;
public class AddOnePage {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a new document object
Document document = new Document();
// Load a sample document from a file
// Get the body of the last section of the document
Body body = document.getLastSection().getBody();
// Insert a page break after the last paragraph in the body
// Create a new paragraph style
ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle = new ParagraphStyle(document);
paragraphStyle.getCharacterFormat().setFontName("Microsoft YaHei");
// Add the paragraph style to the document's style collection
// Create a new paragraph and set the text content
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(document);
paragraph.appendText("Thank you for using our Spire.Doc for Java product. The trial version will add a red watermark to the generated result document and only supports converting the first 10 pages to other formats. Upon purchasing and applying a license, these watermarks will be removed, and the functionality restrictions will be lifted.");
// Apply the paragraph style
// Add the paragraph to the body's content collection
// Create another new paragraph and set the text content
paragraph = new Paragraph(document);
paragraph.appendText("To fully experience our product, we provide a one-month temporary license for each of our customers for free. Please send an email to sales@e-iceblue.com, and we will send the license to you within one working day.");
// Apply the paragraph style
// Add the paragraph to the body's content collection
// Save the document to a specified path
document.saveToFile("/Users/liuhaihua/tmp/Add a Page.docx", FileFormat.Docx);
// Close the document
// Dispose of the document object's resources
Using the FixedLayoutDocument class and FixedLayoutPage class makes it easy to extract content from a specified page. To facilitate viewing the extracted content, the following example code saves the extracted content to a new Word document. The detailed steps are as follows:
Create a Document object.
Load a Word document using the Document.loadFromFile() method.
Create a FixedLayoutDocument object.
Obtain a FixedLayoutPage object for a page in the document.
Use the FixedLayoutPage.getSection() method to get the section where the page is located.
Get the index position of the first paragraph on the page within the section.
Get the index position of the last paragraph on the page within the section.
Create another Document object.
Add a new section using Document.addSection().
Clone the properties of the original section to the new section using Section.cloneSectionPropertiesTo(newSection) method.
Copy the content of the page from the original document to the new document.
Save the resulting document using the Document.saveToFile() method.
package com.et.spire.doc;
import com.spire.doc.*;
import com.spire.doc.pages.*;
import com.spire.doc.documents.*;
public class ReadOnePage {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a new document object
Document document = new Document();
// Load document content from the specified file
// Create a fixed layout document object
FixedLayoutDocument layoutDoc = new FixedLayoutDocument(document);
// Get the first page
FixedLayoutPage page = layoutDoc.getPages().get(0);
// Get the section where the page is located
Section section = page.getSection();
// Get the first paragraph of the page
Paragraph paragraphStart = page.getColumns().get(0).getLines().getFirst().getParagraph();
int startIndex = 0;
if (paragraphStart != null) {
// Get the index of the paragraph in the section
startIndex = section.getBody().getChildObjects().indexOf(paragraphStart);
// Get the last paragraph of the page
Paragraph paragraphEnd = page.getColumns().get(0).getLines().getLast().getParagraph();
int endIndex = 0;
if (paragraphEnd != null) {
// Get the index of the paragraph in the section
endIndex = section.getBody().getChildObjects().indexOf(paragraphEnd);
// Create a new document object
Document newdoc = new Document();
// Add a new section
Section newSection = newdoc.addSection();
// Clone the properties of the original section to the new section
// Copy the content of the original document's page to the new document
for (int i = startIndex; i <=endIndex; i++)
// Save the new document to the specified file
newdoc.saveToFile("/Users/liuhaihua/tmp/Content of One Page.docx", FileFormat.Docx);
// Close and release the new document
// Close and release the original document