博士生申请 | ​加拿大 Queen’s University 朱晓丹教授招收NLP/Machine Learning方向博士生



About Queen's University (https://www.queensu.ca/):
Queen's university has over 180 years' history and is one of Canada's oldest universities. It is a public research university famous for many subjects such as engineering, science, and business. As of 2022, five Nobel Laureates and one Turing Award winner have been affiliated with the university. For example, in the year of 2015, Dr. Arthur B. McDonald received the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Queen's University's campus is right by the Ontario Lake and is one of the most beautiful campuses in Canada. Queen's University is located in Kingston, a tourist hotspot, and is right in between several big cities in Canada: Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa, which are centers for artificial intelligence research and dynamic cities to live and visit.


A fully funded PhD position in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning is available at the Text Analytics and Machine Learning Group led by Dr. Xiaodan Zhu (www.xiaodanzhu.com) at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen's University Canada. The student will also be affiliated with the Ingenuity Labs Research Institute at Queen's University (https://ingenuitylabs.queensu.ca/).

Starting date: Sep. 1, 2023 or Jan. 1, 2024Contact: xiaodan.zhu@queensu.caWebpage: www.xiaodanzhu.comApplication: https://engineering.queensu.ca/future-students/graduate/Deadline for application: Apr. 1, 2023 (We have started to review the applications and it is highly recommended that you submit your applications at the earliest convenience.)





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